Untitled: Cultivating Seeds for Delightful Interspecies Futures – Round Table Discussion
On spring 2020 we were invited to collaborate with Untitled-community, coordinated by Demos Helsinki. Our collaboration turned into a leap in two phases.
During the first phase (Future-Leap-Flying-Orientation-Interviews, FLFOI) we collected seeds for delightful interspecies futures.
In the second phase of the leap, we started cultivating the seeds at the Round Table Discussion at Untitled-festival in September 2020. Our cultivating collaborators were cognitive neuroscientist Katri Saarikivi, foresight specialist Mikko Dufva and a pine sapling from Vantaa.
Seeds derived from common-to-many-species-things that shape our shared futures, such as hunger, roots / flying and sustainable livelihoods. You can take a look at our discussion agenda here.